6 Key Tips to Gear Up for Spring Air Conditioning

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6 Key Tips to Gear Up for Spring Air Conditioning

The winter days are behind us, and the days of scorching heat are approaching. All do not welcome this transition of seasons. Summers are sweaty and unpleasant. Luckily, we have air conditioners to help us bear the notorious summer. However, we must prepare our air conditioners for the summers and get them in the perfect condition to function smoothly throughout the season.

Air conditioners are mechanical and power-based systems, making them prone to many failures and damages due to excess use or dormancy. This is the reason why our air conditioners have to be inspected and checked upon before the summer season arrives. It is beneficial to find a technology company that provides AC service in RoyUT and AC installation in Roy, UT. Nobody wants to spend a hot day without an air conditioner, do they?

Getting the system ready for the summer is not an easy task. Anything have to be kept in mind to avoid any inconveniences while using the air conditioner. Here are a few tips which one should keep in mind while planning to prepare their systems for Spring:

  • Check the Air filters of your systems: All the dirt from your air conditioner accumulates in the air filter. They get heavily clogged if the AC is used extensively. Cleaning the air filters is essential as it blocks the airflow and adds to the electricity bill.
  • Examine the outdoor unit of the air conditioner: Many people have the habit of covering the outdoor unit with a cloth, while the air conditioner is not in use. Before starting the air conditioner, make sure to remove the cover. The debris and sticks accumulated in the cover can damage the AC’s components if the cover is not removed. 
  • Clean your air conditioner: Along with the filters, the whole system has to be cleaned. The exterior coils should not be dirty. You can use a hose, with water at low pressure, to clean the coils from dust and debris. 
  • Ensure that the fuse is turned “ON”: For safety, we turn off the air conditioner’s fuse or power when it is not in use. Make sure to turn ON the fuse or breaker when you start the system.
  • Switch off your humidifier: Many people have their humidifiers installed in a manner that does not prevent them from operating during the cooling season. This is why you should remember to turn off the humidifier so that no cold air is wasted. 
  • Book an appointment for Spring maintenance: No one can prepare your air conditioner for Spring, then a skilled technician who knows your system inside out. Maintenance helps elongate your system’s life and ensures that all the AC parts are fit for the season. 

All of these reminders will help you prepare for the season of heat. Like human beings, air conditioners also need regular check-ups to work effectively. Luna Heating & Air is one of the best technician companies for your Ductwork Installation in Layton, UT or AC Replacement in Layton, UT.